Bright Futures. Countless Possibilities.

$46,896 raised

$1,600,000 Goal

$46,896 raised

$1,600,000 Goal

Join us on Sunday, May 25, for the 2025 Pet Valu Walk for Dog Guides, a national fundraiser with a powerful purpose. Together, we’re paving the way for a brighter future and opening up countless possibilities for Canadians living with disabilities.

As the only school in Canada to train and match Dog Guides in seven unique programs (displayed above with Dog Guides clients in seven colours), we’re proud to help people build independence, confidence, and connections through our life-changing Dog Guide programs.

No matter where you live, you can join the Walk! Participate in person, form a team, or donate online to help raise critical funds to train and support Dog Guides across Canada.

Your actions today will create a brighter future tomorrow.

  • Jenany Arulanantham just donated $50
  • Anonymous just donated $20
  • Jane hompson just donated $25
  • Barbara Postma just donated $50
  • Dixie just donated $100
  • Cathy Kerr just donated $100
  • Debbie Hamilton just donated $25
  • Gail Lanktree just donated $75
  • Gail Lanktree just donated $25
  • Elaine Dumoulin just donated $75
  • Ranger and Nancy just donated $25
  • Eileen Gao just donated $100
  • Erin Anderson just donated $50
  • Larry Jarvis just donated $50
  • Cristine Thompson just donated $50
  • Weaver’s foster family just donated $500
  • Sheila just donated $25
  • Laura Wilson just donated $30
  • Raye Quickfall just donated $50
  • Karen Gamble just donated $100

Raise More, Earn More with Buddy's Paws of Honor!

Buddy's Paws of Honor is a special way to recognize and celebrate your hard work and dedication to raising vital funds during the Pet Valu Walk for Dog Guides. Meet certain fundraising milestones, and you’ll earn exclusive Buddy's Paws of Honor Badges and Rewards. These badges will be proudly displayed on your fundraising page, inspiring even more contributions to this life-changing cause. And the rewards are our way to say thank you for your incredible support.

Buddy's Paws of Honor Badges

Become a Buddy's Paws of Honor particpant and earn this exclusive badge which will be displayed on your fundraising page for your donors to see.

Bronze Buddy
Raise $2,000

Silver Buddy
Raise $4,000

Gold Buddy
Raise $6,000

Fundraising Rewards

Top fundraisers



Connect with us #WalkforDogGuides