Will you join the Pet Valu Walk for Dog Guides this year?

Your participation helps us get closer to reaching our goal. Every dollar will go towards partnering a superhero Dog Guide with someone whose life they’ll change forever.

Register   Donate

$5,979 raised

$1,600,000 Goal

$5,979 raised

$1,600,000 Goal

Pet Valu Walk for Dog Guides is back and better than ever! This SUNDAY MAY 26, 2024!!!! Help us raise $1.6 million for our Super Heros!

When you walk for Pet Valu Walk for Dog Guides you walk for people like Prince. Prince shares,

“A number of years ago, I was caught in a devastating fire in my apartment building in Toronto. Two-thirds of my body was badly burned, and I lost both of my arms. After a year in the hospital, I found adjusting to my new life very difficult. I was grieving and isolated. One of my support workers suggested I join a waiting list for a Dog Guide. And that’s how Siri — my superhero — came into my life. Siri enriches my life by alleviating the hardships of everyday tasks such as helping to retrieve dropped items, opening and closing doors, and enabling me to live independently. That’s why Siri and I joined the Pet Valu Walk for Dog Guides a few years later. And why I invite you to join in this special event this year!”

  • Anonymous just donated $100
  • Brian Hennigar just donated $100
  • Anne Kallin just donated $25
  • Tom just donated $100
  • Colleen Genno just donated $20
  • Sabrina Swartz just donated $50
  • Nick just donated $25
  • Michelle Ste Marie just donated $300
  • Gillian Gordon just donated $100
  • Ron Storey just donated $50
  • Stephan Kleiser just donated $150
  • Sean and Karen just donated $50
  • Mary Weening just donated $50
  • Ruth B just donated $25
  • Ann Kleiser just donated $100
  • Robin Parr just donated $50
  • Andrew Shuttleworth just donated $100
  • Cathy Marshall just donated $50
  • Denise Edwards just donated $50
  • Marg Pearson just donated $25

Buddy's Paws of Honor

In recognition of your support and hard work raising vital funds during the Pet Valu Walk for Dog Guides we are introducing Buddy's Paws of Honor. 
Earn rewards and exclusive fundraising badges as you raise funds. 

Buddy's Paws of Honor Badges

Become a Buddy's Paws of Honor particpant and earn this exclusive badge which will be displayed on your fundraising page for your donors to see.

Bronze Buddy
Raise $2,000

Silver Buddy
Raise $4,000

Gold Buddy
Raise $6,000

Fundraising Rewards


Top fundraisers



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